From Zero to Three

Curiosity. Desire. Fear. Hesitation. Fear. Willingness to ask for help. Fear. Action. Fear. Practice. Fear. Growth through Practice.

That was my head and body today while I learned how to juggle. Sitting at a festival, watching guys juggle, I had a feeling within arise, "that would be a fun thing to learn, go over there and juggle." Intimidated as these guys were juggling with 7 balls I stood up, walked over there and asked, "can you teach me how to juggle?" I had moments of fear and judgement towards myself but I listened to the teachers in front of me because they were juggling masters but overly willing to teach me. After many overthrown balls, missed catches and attempts I was able to do a round, slowly more and eventually I was smiling because I felt accomplished. I said, "I did it!" and the teacher said, "yes, you've been practicing." And I was reminded that anything is possible with practice. 

Today I am connected and grateful. It's much more than those three little balls I used to juggle with, it's connecting to people, being teachable and having fun in whatever it is because it's not about the end result, it's the journey of our practice. 

