"I'm not crazy. My reality is just different than yours." - Alice in Wonderland

How to move through difficult emotions?
1. Acknowledge them
2. Be kind and compassionate- How would you respond if it was a close friend confiding in you?
3. Ground- Practice mindfulness to stay present
4. Affirmations and gratitude

My Story:

Sometimes humans make plans, things change, and then the little mind, which feels much larger takes over. I'll stop generalizing and claim it, that's my mind and my current experience. My mind has the power to oppress and to liberate myself. You see, I tore my ACL and well, it sucks, or is that the oppressive mind judging? Well, it's definitely not pleasant, and it also does not have to be everything my mind is consumed with. I'm questioning so much, do I have surgery? Do I not have surgery? Can my body heal itself? Am I disempowering myself by having surgery? I come to peace with the idea of surgery, I move all my stuff to Houston so I can be close to my family. One hour I'm at peace and acceptance, the next I'm resisting to unpack because what if I decide to get up and dodge town. 

I'm questioning and doubting myself and I can't even see past the swirling tornado that's covered in a film that's inside of a sticky bubble. It's like the swirling moves me deeper and faster and the mind spins, and spins, and spins. Days later, here I am again, questioning myself and the surgery. The voice of compassion says, "It sounds like you're scared, that's okay. Be gentle with yourself and trust yourself, trust your decision." 

How the fuck do I escape this mind? How do I surrender what feels insurmountably unescapable? 

I know in my core that thinking about the past leads to depression and future tripping brings anxiety. 

It's no one's fault or anything that the thoughts keep blending and grinding all around. I step off the perch that's on my shoulder. Take a breath, usually more, be kind to myself.

"I hear you little one, things feel hard and scary." 

So I ask myself, what would I say if this was a friend sharing with me?

Here's what I'd say:

"Sweet one, you're going through transition and transition is uncomfortable. I hear you, it makes sense that you are scared. It sounds like you were planning to settle somewhere else and now things look different. Where can you find some grounding? Be kind to yourself. Trust yourself. Do something fun, go out and laugh. Laugh big, do what feels good for you right now."

I will keep documenting my process because it's been emotionally overwhelming and I'd rather choose to show up with trust and calm. That does not mean I wish to resist my feelings, however, I would like to find the joy and light amongst the discomfort. 

Today I went for a massage and Monday I'm going to acupuncture. I will establish with additional professionals to support my healing. I choose to eat for medicine, and rest to heal. 

I am on the path of healing.
I am healing. 
I am grateful for all that I have. 
I am grateful for this book which has supported my growth in self compassion. 
