Ladybug Love

Have you ever just sat and watched a ladybug? They sit, sometimes crawl and when bothered fly away. The bright, beautiful deep shade of red just fills me. And then the intricate black dots, every ladybug different, but I have never looked at one ladybug and thought, "Gosh, that ladybug has weird dots, or wow this is a super glamorous ladybug." Anytime I see a ladybug I get the same feelings, the sensation that life is good and then am reminded of being present. Ladybugs make me smile and feel good. I love ladybugs. To me ladybugs symbolize a sense of comfort and breath that everything is okay and aligned by a higher order of something out there in the universe.

Little Ladybug crawling on watermelon plant. Beautiful

Is there a small critter that helps you feel connected or present? 

Look at those tiny legs keeping it held on the leaf

Each black dot its own, combining together to create one creature.

Thank you ladybugs for helping me feel connected today.
Filled with ladybug love,
