More than I ever could have Known

Indescribably heart-filled amazement encaptured by sunshine, moonshine and lake ripples.

More than I expected. More than I knew. More than life itself.
The pure essence of my being.
Human Connection being the most important thing, right behind self care and compassion.

I was exactly where I was supposed to be, the whole entire time. Not one inch too late nor two inches behind. Exactly, right on the inch.

From swimming in a giraffe onesie to spending hours creatively writing on the typewriter deck. Nothing mattered except for where I was in that one present frame.

Overcoming my fear and presenting a creative writing piece at the talent show, wearing my butterfly wings and flowers in my hair. It was beautiful, just like me.

Under the trees, holding Rock Solid's hand, opening our hearts, tears rolling down my face and knowing, I was in the exact frame, that inch of the frame. It was aligned and I was exactly where I was supposed to be and so was he. The love of a father runs deep, but a camp friend even deeper.

Falling asleep under the stars with that one super special person. Woken up by a chill and knowing, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

No phone or calendar to control my days, laughs, connection, conversation and playshops filled my days. Memories for a lifetime, the experience profound.

New friends. Deepened connections with Drum-Z and RockSolid. Peace and serenity with self.

The one thing I learned without a doubt since being back over these past 9 days:

Phone-less. Human-ful.
Human-less. Phone-ful.

When I am without a phone I am abundantly filled with human connection.
When I am without human connection I turn to my phone to fill that void.

Open my heart. Open your heart. Let's connect, human to human because that's what we are truly here to do.

Love for all humans,


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