This is Life

Feeling stuck. What do I do? Inspiration feels absent. Desire is present. Lack of creating.
art by Sarah Weisfeld

Exuding a lack of creation, I want to create but am not taking the action. Quicksand surrounding my feet, my body is sinking, slowly sinking over the past two weeks. I reach to come out, even an inch. The sand is moving, it's up to my knees. Keep on reaching, look around for support. Help is around, I do truly know that. 

I want to come out of the hole, the discomfort is unpleasant. I keep on pulling and reaching and resisting the sinkage. My breath is getting heavy. I take a big breath in, hold in for seven seconds, exhale for eight. I don't know what that will do but teachers have taught me. I lean on others in this feeling of being submerged. Teachers and mentors ready to share. 

Although there's discomfort I know that I'm held. Surrender for serenity, it's where I want to be. Not on my terms, I know it is not. Another experience that I will then have to share. 

May there be peace on earth,
Sarah Elizabeth
